Ideas Bank

Today Stories

El Diablo by Aaron Martinez

El Diablo by Aaron Martinez

The New 3D World in Graphic Design

In the last few years, the graphic design industry has evolved with the introduction of new software and the 3D trend. Many clients and companies around the world are looking for publicity or works that are complemented with 3D graphics. 3D is becoming very popular, and graphic designers should learn about the new trend.

In the 3D industry, there are so many software available. However, there are multiple differences between each other. If you are a person who is learning about the 3D world, there are two suggestions that can be affordable and easy to start with.

By Glenn Carstens Peters

By Glenn Carstens Peters

Lights, Camera, Design!

What do you think when you hear graphic design? If you think that graphic design is just making logos, packaging, websites, and advertisements, you might be wrong. The graphic design industry goes beyond more than just marketing and advertising. Graphic design is essential and plays an important role in the industry of film and television. People do not know about all the work that graphic designers do on films and TV shows. There are some fields where graphic design is important to develop a great movie.

Share your ideas

At Van Creatives, we believe in creativity, all of us are creative in many different ways. Sometimes it takes time to realize the amazing projects that you can create. You can start creating something new every day, you just need to do it with love and hard work to accomplish it. Remember that creativity is all about experimenting, taking risks, and making mistakes, but the most important is to have fun during the process. What are you waiting for? start creating something unique and powerful today.

We will love to hear more from you about what do you think about the work from the community. In the Ideas bank, you will have different topics to talk about and share your ideas with the community. Please do not hesitate to start sharing your ideas with the rest of the community. All the ideas are valuable for us and for the community.

Share your work

We believe that creativity is something that must be shared. For this reason, we introduce you to the Ideas Bank. The ideas bank is our community that Van Creatives created to inspire, support, and to encourage each other. This is why here in the Ideas Bank you can share your work and ask for feedback or comments from the community. Everyone is welcomed to join this community, join our family, and start sharing your work.